
What is Consistory?

This Body is responsible for conferring the 19th to the 32nd degrees inclusive. These degrees are often elaborate and highly dramatic, covering a variety of approaches to Masonic knowledge. The 30th, 31st and 32nd degrees culminate the teachings of the Scottish Rite and must be conferred in full ritual form. The 31st degree is the judicial branch of the Scottish Rite.

The 32nd is a military degree, providing a bright beacon for candidates in search of a deeper understanding of man and compassion. Candidates are shown a way to erect the Third Temple – that Temple being Truth and Love which exists in the hearts of man when he strives to identify himself with that which is highest and best.


Consistory Events

Installation 2018 09 17

Messages from our Commander in Chief

Prior to the closing of the 32° Degree in April, the Commander-in-Chief requested the company of our Active Member, Illustrious Brother Ron Taylor (second from the left in the above photograph).  Illustrious Brother Gavin Hall (standing in the centre of the photograph), the Immediate Past Commander-in-Chief 2017-2018, was then presented with the jewel of his office.  In turn, Illustrious Brother Hall assisted in the presentation of an Honorary Commander-in-Chief medal to our Active Member. The medal is of historic and sentimental value to the members of the Ottawa Consistory, as it was once worn by Illustrious Brother Sidney Harbert.  A brief history of the medal was given by Illustrious Brother Peter Harbert (standing at the far right of the photograph), the son of Illustrious Brother Sidney Harbert.


Executive Secretary


Officers for 2024-2025

Commander in Chief – J.F. Legault 32°

1st Lieutenant Commander – Robert H Clarke 33°

2nd Lieutenant Commander – Cosme Alinde 32°

Grand Secretary – Evan Jameson 32°

Grand Treasurer – Jeff Noseworthy 33°

Grand Prelate – Peter G. Harbert 33°

Grand Master of Ceremonies – Joseph Burchill 32°

Grand Expert –  Jesus Federico 32°

Assistant Grand Expert –  Daniel Chartrand 32°

Grand Standard Bearer – TBA

Grand Captain of the Guard –  Wayne McCulloch 32°

Grand Sentinel –  TBA

Immediate Past
Commander-in Chief – Samuel Kalinowsky 33°

Ottawa Consistory: Instituted 16 October 1975

Past Commanders-in-Chief

1975-78 *Donald S. Robertson 33°

1978-79 +*Robert M. Stanton 33°

1978-79 *Edwin A. Gardner 33°

1979-80 *Birkett Lishman 33°

1980-81 *John D. Beaton 33°

1981-82 *John L. Cross 33°

1982-83 *John P. MacLean 33°

1983-84 Gordon R. Phillips 33°

1984-85 +*Kenneth N. Nesbitt 33°

1984-85 *Allan J. Cohoe 33°

1985-86 *George R. Clauson 33°

1986-87 N. Ian McGill 33°

1987-88 *J. Robert Wainwright 33°

1988-89 *James W. Offer 32°

1989-90 *Sydney Harbert 33°

1990-91 *Morrison T. Bennett 32°

1991-92 *James A. Jones 33°

1992-93 *Murray  W. Thompson 33°

1992-93 +*J. Campbell Matheson 33°

1993-94 *Gerald MacDonald 33°

1994-95 *Alvin E. Styles 32°

1995-96 Donald F. Harrison 33°

1996-97 Peter G. Harbert 33°

1997-98 *Eugene C. Green 33°

1998-99 Samuel Kalinowsky 33°

1998-99 +William D. Cook 33°

1999-00 John G. Guinn 32°

2000-01 +*Donald H. Mumby 33°

2001-02 Jeff Noseworthy 33°

2002-03 Donald R. Moore 33°

2003-04 K. Dale Olm 33°

2004-05 B. Jack Penney 32°

2005-06 Phil S. Easterman 32°

2006-07 Richard Malloch 32°

2007-09 R. Evan Jameson 32°

2009-10 K. Dale Olm 33°

2010-11 Phil S. Easterman 32°

2011-12 Giles O. Loshaw 33°

2012-13 Howard Brockwell 32°

2013-14 André M. McArdle 32°

2014-15 Shawn Woods 32°

2015-16 John M. Forster 33°

2016-17 Jeff Noseworthy 33°

2016-17 +*Alan Arbuckle 33°

2017-18 Gavin Hall 32°

2018-19 Robert H. Clarke 32°

2018-19 +Ron Taylor 33°

2019-21 S. Howie 33°

2021-23 Sam Kalinowsky (Pro Tem) 33°

2023 -24 J.F. Legault 33°

+ Honorary Commander  in Chief  * Passed to the Grand Lodge Above

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