What is the Scottish Rite?

The several published histories of the Scottish Rite will allow us to pass over the details of its early origins, development and history. In brief, however, it should be noted that its origin lies with the phenomenon of hauts grades (High Degree) Masonry which flourished in the mid-to-late 1700s. The so called high degrees first appeared around 1733 and offered a ritual experience above the Third Degree of Master Masons. The notion of higher degrees travelled to and flourished in Europe (primarily France and Germany), where they embraced by authorities who conferred them in groups known as rites, orders, and/or systems. The immediate ancestor of the Scottish Rite was a system of Masonry known as the Order of the Royal Secret, a rite which included many of the most popular degrees. The order was created around 1763 by a French merchant named Étienne (Stephen) Morin, who introduced it to Kingston, Jamaica. In 1764 high degrees were brought to North American soil, when they were established in New Orleans, Louisiana. About this time Morin deputized Henry Andrew Francken, an enthusiastic Dutch Mason, to establish Masonic bodies in the United States, and he introduced the Order of the Royal Secret to New York in 1767.

Northern and Southern Jurisdictions

The Supreme Council at Charleston, South Carolina as it was sometimes called, was the first Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree in the world. It is known today as the House of the Temple (established in 1915) that serves as the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the Supreme Council, 33 ?, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
In fact, the ritual of the Supreme Council of the 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada originated in the Southern Jurisdiction. This ritual was written by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction. It is interesting that the ritual did not come from the Northern Jurisdiction as one would expect – considering our proximity to the Northern side of the U.S.A..


Scottish Rite in Canada

The purpose of the Scottish Rite in Canada, simply stated, is to seek which is the most worth in the world;
– To exalt the dignity of every person, the human side of our daily activities and the maximum service to humanity.
– To aid mankind search in God’s universe for identity, for development and for destiny, and thereby achieve better men in a better world, happier man in a happier world and wiser man in a wiser world.
The whole of Canada constitutes a single Scottish Rite jurisdiction with some 27,000 members. In Canada the term “Scottish Rite” is a short form for “The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada”.
Application for membership in the Scottish Rite is open to members in good standing in any recognized Craft Lodge who are Master Masons. Continued membership in a Craft Lodge is required to maintain good standing in the Scottish Rite.
In 1813 the Southern Jurisdiction established the Supreme Council 33° for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States. In 1845 the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction warranted a Supreme Council in England and Wales which, in 1874, authorized the formation of the Supreme Council of Canada.
At the time our Supreme Council was chartered, Scottish Rite Bodies were already operative in Hamilton, ON, (1868); London, ON, (1868); St. John, NB, (1868); Halifax, NS, (1870): Toronto, ON, (1873); and Montreal, QC, (1873). Our Supreme Council is in amity with more than 40 other Supreme Councils throughout the world, and 4 National Grand Lodges in the Scandinavian countries.

Scottish Rite in Ottawa

This blow to Ottawa’s civic pride being rejected as the headquarters of SR must have been felt all the more when our fair city was not even considered as a suitable place for a Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix. After all, Ottawa did have, by then, six active “blue lodges” within its boundaries, (Dalhousie (1848), Doric (1855), Civil Service (1861), The Builders (1865), Lodge of Fidelity (1870) and Chaudière (1871)). In addition there were twenty satellite lodges in the surrounding area (beginning with True Briton, No. 14 of Perth that had been established in the year 1818).

The nearest Scottish Rite body to Ottawa was the McLeod Moore Rose Croix Chapter in the village of Maitland, on the St. Lawrence River about 7 miles east of Brockville. This Chapter was established in 1872, under dispensation from the Supreme Council of England and Wales.

It was not until 1888, fourteen years after the formation of the Supreme Council for Canada in Ottawa, that interest in Ottawa as a place to establish Scottish Rite bodies was generated. In that year after the Annual Sessions of Supreme Council in Montreal, Ill. Bro. Hugh Murray, 33°, Secretary-General of Supreme Council and J.W. Murton, 33°, Lt. Grand Commander of Supreme Council, both of Hamilton, proceeded to Ottawa to examine the prospects of locating a Lodge of Perfection there.

After a later meeting, addressed by Sovereign Grand Commander Ellis, twenty-three of the brethren who attended signified their intentions of joining Scottish Rite, and with Ill. Bro. Butterworth were then authorized to form a Lodge of Perfection. The necessary degrees were later conferred by Hamilton Lodge of Perfection and the brethren, under dispensation of the Sovereign Grand Commander, on the same day, organized the Ottawa Lodge of Perfection.

The Brethren of Ottawa were not content only with the Lodge of Perfection. In less than three months after the issuance of the Lodge warrant, on January 23,1890, the charter Members of the Lodge, along with one of its new affiliates, and a former resident of Hamilton organized the new Rose Croix Chapter to be known as Murray Chapter, after Ill. Bro. Hugh Murray of Hamilton; and on September 20, 1890, were elected its First Officers:

To complete the Scottish Rite journey for Ottawa, a Consistory was consecrated in Ottawa in 1976.

At the present time there are approximately 600 Scottish Rite Masons in Ottawa and Surrounding areas that belong to the Valley of Ottawa.

Valley of Ottawa Presiding Officers 2013 2014
















Valley of Ottawa Presiding Officers 2012 2013

Presiding Officers 2011 2012

Structure – Supreme Council

(presented Monday, December 10, 2012 by J Christie)

Summary: Jurisdiction / Officers / 33rds  / Vallies Ref: Statutes & Regulations 2010 and website: scottishritecanada.ca

The structure of Supreme Council compares with that of Grand Lodge except that it covers the entirety of Canada.

OFFICERS ART. 20.—(a) The officers of this Supreme Council shall be as follows: (1994) 1. Sovereign Grand Commander 2. Lieutenant Grand Commander 3. Grand Chancellor 4. Deputies of this Supreme Council – this requires further explanation (below) 5. Grand Secretary-General 6. Grand Treasurer-General 7. Grand Prior 8. Grand Master of Ceremonies 9. Grand Marshal 10. Grand Standard Bearer 11. Grand Captain of the Guard 12. Grand Sword Bearer

DEPUTIES OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL ART. 26.—(a) There shall be one Deputy of this Supreme Council for the Provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador combined, one or more Deputies for the Province of British Columbia and Yukon Territory combined, one Deputy for the Province of Alberta and Northwest Territories combined, one Deputy for the Province of Manitoba and Nunavut Territory combined, one or more Deputies for the Province of Ontario, and one Deputy for each of the other provinces, with power to visit and preside over any constituent body of the Rite therein, and to do any act, consistent with these Statutes and Regulations or with the unwritten principles and Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry, necessary to represent fully this Supreme Council, for which purpose he is empowered to: (2003) x. nominate Active Members of this Supreme Council residing within his jurisdiction; (1977) xi. on the advice and consent of the Active Members residing within his jurisdiction, present nominations for the degree of Honorary Inspector-General to the Supreme Council in accordance with ART. 15. (1997) Thus the NUMBER of Deputies is not fixed – but there are over a dozen.

ELECTION – at annual Supreme Council Sessions. Held annually across Canada (as – East, Ont, West, Ont, East, Ont, …) .  Ottawa last hosted Supreme in 2007. ART. 20.—(e) A Sovereign Grand Commander elected at a triennial Annual Session shall be ineligible for re-election to that office at the next ensuing triennial election.

ACTIVE MEMBERS vs. 33rds ART. 7.—(h) The number of Active Members shall not exceed thirty-three in addition to Active Members Ad Vitam. We have as our Active Member – Ill. Bro. Sam Kalinowsky.  He must step down at age 75.

VALLEYS There are 45 Valleys according to the Website – and not all have an Active Member! not all have all 3 bodies: e.g. Valley of Ottawa: Ottawa Lodge of Perfection1888, Murray Chapter Rose Criox 1890, Ottawa Consistory 1976 Valley of Kingston – Kingston Lodge of Perfection, Rose of Sharon  Chapter Rose Criox Valley of Nanaimo – Colville Lodge of Perfection


Structure – Valley of Ottawa

presented Monday, January 14, 2013 by J Christie

SUMMARY: Bodies / Members /Active Member / Degrees / Meetings Compares with Craft Lodge / three “bodies” / covers multiple Districts

BODIES Ottawa Lodge of Perfection Murray Chapter of Rose Croix Ottawa Consistory plus: Executive Committee

Duties Lodge / Chapter / Consistory – operate the body, confer degrees Lodge – act as “Business Agent” for the Valley Executive Committee – act as “clearing house” for operations – CGP Officers Similar to Craft Lodge Officer lineup for each body – progressive

Officers All Bodies: Treasurer, Almoner, Organist Seeking:  new officers

Election Usually in February– done for each of the three bodies

Installation Usually late-April – done for each of the three bodies


Accepted as a “class” – representative candidate(s) / Marshall may not be a member of all bodies but join in sequence


Nominated by the Valley – service ends @ age 75 duties like DDGM


Obligatory Degrees: 4°, 5°, 7°, 13°, 14°, 15°, 18°, 30°, 31°, 32°

Others are done in alternating years [eg. 6° this year / 8° next year]

Cast is stable over time

Seeking: Director / Cast / Staging / Wardrobe / LightSound speaking / non-speaking / Orator / backstage


Schedule meetings on fourth Monday as much as possible avoid conflict with Craft Installations

Meet for business / ballots / degrees / Installation / Annual

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