Calendar 2024 – 2025



Monday September 9th

7:00 PM Advanced Committee Meeting
7:45 PM Executive Committee: Directors

Monday September 23

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Installation: Lodge, Consistory, Ballot

Monday October 28

6:30 PM Light Dinner and Registration of Candidates
7:30 PM Lodge 4th Degree, 5th Degree

Monday November 11

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Lodge 6th Degree, 7th Degree

Monday November 25

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Lodge 13th Degree

Monday December 9

5:30 PM Lodge Auxiliary Altars
6:30 PM Lodge Banquet
7:30 PM Lodge 14th Degree



Monday January 13

7:00 PM Advanced Committee
7:45 PM Executive Committee: Elections

Monday January 27

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Chap. Ballot, 15th Degree

Monday February 10

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Chapter 17th Degree

Monday February 24

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Chapter 18th Degree


Monday March 10

7:00 PM Advance Committee
7:45 PM Executive Committee: Finance

Monday March 24

6:30 PM Consistory Banquet
7:30 PM Ballot, 30th Degree

Monday April 7

6:30 PM Light Dinner
7:30 PM Consistory, 31st Degree

Saturday April 12

9:00 am Consistory 32nd Degree + Lunch
1:00 PM Constance Allegory

Thursday April 17

6:30 PM Chapter Banquet
7:30 PM Maundy Thursday

Monday April 21

7:00 PM Chapter Relighting

Monday April 28

7:30 PM Elections, Annual Meeting

Monday May 26
7:30 PM Installation Chapter, Consistory

Mandatory Degrees 4o, 5o, 7o, 13o, 14o, 15o, 18o, 30o, 31o & 32o S&R Article 88

Orders of Dress

4th Degree Monday October 28 2024Black TieBlack Tie
14th Degree Monday December 9 2024Black TieWhite Tie
18th Degree Monday February 24 2025Black TieBlack Tie
30th Degree Monday March 24 2025Black TieBlack Tie
32nd Degree Saturday April 12 2025Black TieBlack Tie
Maundy Thursday April 17 2025 NOTE: Collars but no JewelsBlack TieBlack Tie
Installations Monday May 26 2025Black TieBlack Tie
Revised 24/8/18

Dinners and Luncheons

Past Most Wise Sovereign Dinner 
To be announced

Past Thrice Puissant Grand Master Dinner
To be announced

Past Commander in Chief Luncheon
To be announced

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