Ottawa Valley News

From our Active Member/Deputy


I hope you all had a wonderful summer! As we enter the 2024-2025 Scottish Rite year, I’m pleased to announce that we’ll be returning to a more comprehensive schedule of degrees. I’d like to extend my congratulations to Ill. Bro. Ken Brinston 33°, who has been named the Class Honoree for the upcoming Scottish Rite degrees.

To the Class of 2023-2024, congratulations on completing your degrees! As new members of our Valley, you are the lifeblood of the Scottish Rite. There are various roles that can enhance your Scottish Rite experience. Participating in a degree provides deeper insight into its teachings. Some members have been part of degrees for over 30 years, driven by their desire to pass on these valuable lessons to newer members. My hope is that some of you will go on to become Thrice Puissant Grand Masters, Most Wise Sovereigns, Commanders in Chief, or Active Member of our Valley, carrying forward our traditions for others to learn and participate.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Supreme Council, and it’s fitting that the celebration will be held here in Ottawa. Ill. Bro. John Lark 33° has done an excellent job keeping everything on track for the sessions. 150 years ago, the Supreme Council held its inaugural meeting in Ottawa, and we are honored to host this anniversary session. I know that the Brethren of Ottawa, along with members from other Valleys and the Craft, will work together to make this session truly memorable. Visitors to our city will be looking forward to experiencing its sights and sounds, so let’s ensure they have an amazing visit to our Great City! For more information of events and ideas of places to see visit Supreme Council 150th Anniversary | Ottawa Valley Scottish Rite page on this site.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all my Brethren for their support and assistance over the past year as we worked toward a full set of degrees. Your dedication, whether in Degrees, lighting and sound, music, or administration, has been remarkable and greatly appreciated. You have ensured the continued success of our Valley! Witnessing your commitment inspires me to do even more in my role as Active Member and Deputy for Ontario.

Thank you,
Ill. Bro. Ron Taylor 33°
Active Member, Valley of Ottawa
Deputy for Ontario

AASR Degree Team Visits The Builders Lodge

On February 19, 2019, the Valley of Ottawa Master Mason Degree Team conferred a MM Degree at The Builders Lodge #177 GRC in Ottawa District 2.

Sovereign Grand Commander Awards John Ross Matheson Award

On January 21, 2019, the Sovereign Grand Commander travelled to the Valley of Ottawa to confer the John Ross Matheson Award on Illustrious Brother Don Harrison, 33°.

AASR Valley of Ottawa Degree Team visits Hawkesbury Lodge

On Saturday January 19, 2018, the Valley of Ottawa visited Hawkesbury Lodge in Vankleek Hill to confer a Craft MM Degree.

It was a wonderful way to spend a cold winter morning in the warmth of Brotherhood.

Valley of Ottawa Master Mason Degree Team visits Harmony Lodge #370 GRC

On November 22, 2018 the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Ottawa Degree Team, lead by Illustrious Brother Barry Burchill 32°, conferred a Master Mason Degree at Harmony Lodge #370 GRC in Phillipsville in St. Lawrence District.

The event was preceded by a sumptuous Festive Board. The Candidate was well prepared and enjoyed his special evening. Thank you to the Officers and Members of Harmony Lodge for their hospitality.

Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation donates $70,000 to Medical Research in Ottawa

The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation continued its support of research into the “puzzles of the mind” by once again presenting two cheques for $35,000 each to Dr Jing Wang and Dr Baptiste Lacoste at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute on November 6 2018.

Dr Wang’s three year project is investigating memory pathways in Alzheimer’s disease, which has made such progress that she will be publishing her results next year. Dr Lacoste is researching the development of blood vessels in the brain as it relates to Autism, and has made great progress since last year, his research is continuing.

Making the presentation was Ill. Bro Steve Thomson 32° Valley of Ottawa representative for the Foundation, Ill. Bro John Forster 33° member of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation, Ottawa Valley’s active member Ill. Bro Ron Taylor 33° and Ill. Bro Brian Gilkinson 33°, Deputy for Ontario.

The Scottish Rite was well represented at the presentation with Past active Member Ill. Bro Sam Kalinowsky 33°, Ill. Bro. Robert A. Keay, 33° Asst Grand Secretary/Registrar for the Valley of Peterborough and Ill. Bro Ivan Harris 33° as our official photographer.

Message from our Active Member

Report on Supreme Council

There were 515 Brethren and Ladies in attendance.

Installation of Officers for the term 2018–2022: Sovereign Grand Commander: Robert S. Whitmore; Lt. Grand Commander: David A. Bennett; Grand Secretary-General: Terry A. McLean.

ILL Bro. Robert Brethour, Education and Enlightenment Committee introduced a Powerpoint presentation “Welcome to Scottish Rite Freemasonry”; available in the members section of Supreme website and delivered to all Valley Secretaries for usage during presentations in Craft Lodges and/or groups of Master Masons.

Guest speaker during the sessions was Gail N. Kemp, Emeritus Member of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction with the presentation “The Path Forward” and has since been posted to Supreme website:

Copies of New Rituals handed down by Supreme have been sent to secretaries of each body and all Directors and cast members are asked to follow the new ritual as we start our next year in Sept 2019

2020 Supreme Council Annual Session to be held in Hamilton September 16–19, 2020 at the Scottish Rite Cathedral with the Hamilton Sheraton Hotel serving as the home base. Details to be provided on website:

Ron Taylor 33° named Valley of Ottawa Active Member

At the 144th Session of Supreme Council in London, Ron Taylor 33° was named Active Member for the Valley of Ottawa.

Two new Honourary Inspectors General for the Valley of Ottawa

John Forster 33° HIG, Sam Kalinowsky 33° Past Active Member, Jeff Noseworthy HIG 33°

At the 144th Session of Supreme Council in London, John Forster and Jeff Noseworthy were coroneted Honorary Inspectors-General 33°.

2018 2019 Class named in honour of Illustrious Brother Gary Shaver 33°

This year’s Class is named in honour of Illustrious Brother Gary L. Shaver 33°.

Illustrious Bro. Shaver 33° was born Sept 10th 1941 in Ottawa. He was raised in Ottawa and attended Ottawa Technical High School graduating in 1961. Gary has been happily married to Beverley since 1964. They have two daughters and four grandchildren. He was employed by the Federal Public Service for 33 years. He worked as a tool and dye maker for the Royal Canadian Mint, Defence Research Board and the Communications Research Centre retiring in 1995.
Since retiring Gary has served as an elected Director of the Ottawa Masonic Corporation where he gets to apply many of his handyman skills in the maintenance of the facility He also enjoys travel and with his wife Beverley and has taken many international trips.

Masonic Career:
Initiated into St. Andrews Lodge #560 Jan.24th 1963, 50-year Mason 2013
Joined Ottawa Chapter #222 R.A.M in 1964
Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal from Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Canada on April 25, 1998
In the Scottish Rite he joined: Ottawa Lodge of Perfection March 12th, 1990
Murray Chapter of Rose Croix: March 21st ,1990
Ottawa Consistory: April 27th 1990
Gary was coronated an Honorary Inspector General 33° in Winnipeg in 2000.
Gary affiliated with Luxor Daylight Lodge # 741 in 2002 and was awarded the William Mercer Wilson medal on June 8 2005.

To the 2018 2019 Class of the Valley of Ottawa:
In this assembly you will be advanced from the 4° to the 32°. I urge you to embrace masonry and in particular the Scottish Rite to the fullest by attending all meetings, in support of your Brethren, then by taking part in the presentation of degrees, including the activity backstage such as staging, lighting, sound and wardrobe. It has been a pleasure for me to be associated with the class. I also wish to thank my fellow Honorary Inspectors General for this recognition.

Illustrious Brother Don Harrison 33° receives John Ross Matheson Award

At the 144th Session of Supreme Council, Illustrious Brother Don Harrison 33° (Centre in above photo) received the John Ross Matheson Award.

The John Ross Matheson Award recognizes Scottish Rite Masons who are heroes of our fraternity. It is the most prestigious award our Supreme Council can bestow on a brother to honour merit and ability, community spirit and a continued commitment to distinguished service to our community, country and mankind.

Illustrious Brother Robert M. Taylor 33° honoured by the Grand Master, of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario

On September 6, 2018, R.W. Brother Robert M. Taylor 33° of the Valley of Ottawa, received recognition for having achieved 50 years in Masonry. The Grand Master, M.W. Brother Paul Todd 33° presented the award assisted by M.W. Brother Don Mumby 33° and R.W. Brother Ken Brinston 33°, DDGM of Ottawa District 2.

SRCF Bursary Presented to Carleton University

Left to Right Dr. Samuel Kalinowsky 33° Past Active Member Valley of Ottawa, Ms. Tina Wang, Steven Thomson 32° SRCF Representative Valley of Ottawa, Dr. Hongyu Sun.

On August 1, 2018, Stephen Thomson 32 °(Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Rep for the Valley of Ottawa), accompanied by Dr Samuel Kalinowsky 33° (Past Active) and Ivan Harris 33 °(Honorary Inspector General) presented a $1500 SRCF Bursary to Ms. Ting Ting (Tina) Wang in support of her MSc research at the Department of Neurosciences at Carleton University. Dr Hongyu Sun MD PhD, an Assistant Professor at Carleton University, is her project adviser.
In accepting the Bursary, Tina said ” I am deeply honoured to receive the Award from your esteemed colleagues. It symbolizes to me, the support and encouragement from the community and impactful organizations such as the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation, to conduct quality research that could aid in the development of better therapeutics and improve the quality of life of patients. Receiving the Award greatly motivates me to continue my research in elucidating the mechanisms behind neonatal epilepsy and its co-morbid disorders such as autism.”

Photos by Illustrious Brother Ivan Harris 33°

Honorary Inspectors-General Annual Summer Picnic

The annual Honorary Inspectors-General ( 33°) Valley of Ottawa Summer Picnic was held on July 7, 2018 in Greeley.

It was a wonderful afternoon filled with Fun, Fellowship, and Food.

A big thank you to the Clauson Family for continuing to host this popular event.

Conferral of 14th Degree in Kingston

On May 17, 2018, Illustrious Brother Dan Wert travelled to the Valley of Kingston for his conferral of the 14th Degree. His guide was Illustrious Brother Jim Duck.

Illustrious Brother Wert was unable to attend the 14th Degree in the Valley of Ottawa due to his being marooned in Hawaii at the end of January.

AASR Family and Friends Brunch

On April 21, 2018 the final Valley of Ottawa Family and Friends Brunch for the season was held at Hometown Heroes. Food, fun and fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.

Another Successful Allegory

On April 14 2018, the Allegory under the directorship of Illustrious Brother Sam Kalinowsky 33° was portrayed to an appreciative audience which included friends and family.

The Burt Panke Class achieves the 32°

On April 14, 2018, members of the Burt Panke Class received the 32°. The Milestone was witnessed by Illustrious Brother Brian Gilkinson 33° Active Member for Ontario.

Message from our Active Member


We look forward to the official visit of our Deputy, Ill Bro Brian Gilkinson 33° during our Consistory degrees this year. He will be our guest speaker at the banquet Friday, April 13 and will join us for the 31st and 32nd degrees the following Saturday morning. Again this year we are having an open Allegory so friends and family of Masons can join us for lunch and the portrayal at 1 p.m. We hope this will give people a glimpse of Scottish Rite Masonry, with its colour and drama, and perhaps even entice some Masons to fill in an application.

The Consistory degrees will complete the sojourn the Burt Panke class began last September through the Scottish Rite degrees. Although it has taken some scrambling, we have managed to keep our full degree program together so far and, hopefully, the class has enjoyed the experience and been enriched by it. Performing all of these degrees takes a lot of work on the part of a great many people, from cast members to our costume and staging volunteers. It’s a shame to see them portrayed in front of only a few of our members outside of the class itself.

Coming up later in April will be our Annual General Meeting, which will include the election of officers for next year. These are important milestones in our Valley so be sure to include them on your calendar.

Ill. Bro. Alan Arbuckle 33°
Active Member

**** Illustrious Bro Alan Arbuckle 33 passed away unexpectedly on May 27, 2018

Degree Team Confers MM Degree at Mt. Zion Lodge #28 GRC in Kemptville

On March 15, 2018, the Valley of Ottawa MM Degree Team journeyed to Mt. Zion Lodge in Kemptville (St. Lawrence District), to confer a Master Mason Degree.

It was a wonderful evening of Work and fellowship.

Degree Team Confers MM Degree at Renfrew Lodge #122 GRC

On March 5, 2018 the Valley of Ottawa travelled to Renfrew to confer a MM Degree at Renfrew Lodge. It was a wonderful evening.

Photo by Illustrious Brother Ron Taylor 33° who acted as SS for the evening.

Degree Team confers MM Degree at Hazeldean Lodge #517 GRC

On February 21, 2018 the Valley of Ottawa travelled to Kanata to confer a MM Degree at Hazeldean Lodge. It was a wonderful evening of food, fellowship and ritual. Photo by Illustrious Brother Ron Taylor 33° who acted as SD for the evening.

Annual Visit to the Valley of Kingston in Brockville

Members of the Valley of Ottawa journeyed to Brockville Feb. 15 to see an excellent portrayal of the 12th degree.  Ill. Bro. Giles Loshaw, directs the degree in both Brockville and Ottawa.  We had an excellent turnout of Ottawa members this year and they enjoyed the usual hospitality from their Valley of Kingston brethren.

Bon Appetit

The turnout for the Scottish Rite brunch January 27 was down a little from the usual number at 18, but there were still enough of us to make an impression at Hometown Heroes on Bank St. These brunches are a great opportunity to chat with family and friends of brethren we meet regularly at the Masonic Centre.

First Visit of 2018

The Valley of Ottawa’s AASR degree team visited Lodge of Fidelity January 16 and conferred a Master Mason degree on Bro. George Villeneuve. Our photographer was Ill. Bro. Ron Taylor, 33°, who acted at Senior Warden. He is one of several AASR members who belong to the Lodge of Fidelity. The degree went smoothly under the direction of Ill. Bro. Ivan Harris, 33°.

Continued Support

Ill. Bro. Andre McArdle, Most Wise Sovereign of the Murray Chapter of the Rose Croix, presented a cheque to Bro. Josh Pilson, Master Councillor of the Ottawa Chapter of DeMolay, on behalf of the AASR Valley of Ottawa. Scottish Rite Masons sponsor DeMolay and make an annual contribution to its budget. The occasion was DeMolay Appreciation Night, Nov. 25.

Another Successful Family and Friends Brunch

We had 21 turn out for our first AASR brunch of the year on Saturday, Oct. 21, at Hometown Heroes on Bank Street. The crowd included some new faces, which was gratifying. The food was great and if you got bored talking to the people you were sitting with, you could turn your attention to soccer, hockey, baseball, etc. on the surrounding TVs!

Class Honouree

This year’s Class Honouree is Ill. Bro. Burt Panke, 33° .

Illustrious Brother Panke 33° was born in 1933 at Golden Lake Ontario to Reinhold and Elsie Panke. He is the youngest of 2 children. He went to school in Golden Lake and Eganville. He was married to Jean for 53 years. Jean passed away in 2009. They had one son and 2 grandchildren. He worked for Hydro until retirement in 1992 after 42 years of service.

He joined Masonry in Sidney Albert Lodge No, 558 in 1966 where he was Master twice, in 1973-74 and again in 2015-16. He joined Scottish Rite in 1976 and was Coroneted a 33° in 1990 at the Supreme Council Sessions in St. John’s NL.

He was in charge of Staging for a number of years and was Director of the 11° as well as the 14°. Now retired from Directing and Staging, he loves to sit and watch the degrees. Thanks to all who take part.

Supreme Council in Montréal

Highlights from the 143rd annual session of Supreme Council in Montreal Sept. 13-16:
• Council voted to move to a two-year rotation for sessions, so that the full program will be held in even numbered years, beginning in 2018 and a conference call among SGIGs will take place in odd years. The change is expected to generate significant cost savings.
• The term for future Council officers will be extended to four years beginning in 2018 and candidates for the 33rd degree will actually receive their HIG designation only in even-numbered years.
• Ottawa’s Ill. Bro. S. Howie and Ill. Bro. Mark Pogue were among the 47 candidates elevated to the 33rd degree of Honorary Inspector General.
• These changes required a myriad of constitutional amendments, which were approved, as well as changes to articles on discipline and optional short versions for opening the 14th degree and closing the 18th.
• A new social media policy was adopted.
• Membership in Scottish Rite in Canada declined by 500 to about 13,600 for 2016, the most current figure. Registration in Montreal amounted to 476, a handful from Ottawa, despite the session being so close.
• The Grand Treasurer General, Ill. Bro. Tom Lewis, cautioned that Council was drawing on investments in order to meet operating expenses “which is in itself self-defeating.” Declining membership and modest returns on investment put pressure the annual budget of $264,750, down from $307,603 the previous year.
• Thanks to a successful fund-raising campaign for the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation’s 50th anniversary, SRCF is increasing its grant program to $40,000 per project per year, up by $5,000, over the next three years. It will be dispensing $480,000 in total research grants each year by 2020.
• The John Ross Matheson Award this year will be presented to Ill. Bro. Thomas Clark of the Valley of Central Alberta and Ill. Bro. Chandrakant Kania of the Valley of Windsor.
• Ill. Bro. Allan Long replaces Ken McComb as Active Member for Calgary and Ill. Bro. Tom Wills replaces him as Grand Master of Ceremonies.
• Next year’s session will be held in London, Ontario.

Honorary Inspectors General Annual Summer Picnic

The annual Honorary Inspectors General Picnic was held on Saturday July 8, 2017 at the Greely estate of George and Marlene Clauson.

It was a relaxed social event with lots of interesting conversation and wonderful food.

Canada 150 Message from the Sovereign Grand Commander

Canada 150 Message from the Sovereign Grand Commander


AASR Family and Friends Brunch in Kanata

On May 13, 2017, our final brunch of the season was held at Colonnade Pizza in beautiful downtown Kanata.

The food and fellowship were wonderful, highlighted by the display of our new banner.

From our Active Member


The Jeff Christie class nears the end of its Scottish Rite journey with the Consistory degrees. The story of the building of the first and second temples is completed with the Rose Croix degrees and we now turn our attention to a later period encompassed by the Council of Kadosh. As A Bridge to Light puts it:

“Of the four bodies in Scottish Rite Masonry, the Council contains the most degrees. Although Pike identifies them as chivalric or philosophical, they are all intensely mystical with respect to the lessons conveyed and symbols employed. Even those degrees whose titles are prefaced with knight are not simple dramas illustrating mere knightly virtues but are complex panoramas of mystical symbolism.”

We will enjoy the fellowship of a banquet on Friday April 7 when the 30th degree will be performed and the following Saturday we will have the 31st and 32nd degrees, a lunch and our Allegory. You will need to order Banquet tickets in advance from:

Ill. Bro. Rob Clarke.

And please plan to attend the Maundy Thursday ceremony on April 13 by ordering tickets from:

Ill. Bro. Ron Taylor.

These are important events in our Scottish Rite year Brethren and it is important that we have a good turn out at them. I look forward to seeing you there.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Alan Arbuckle 33°
Active Member

Another Successful AASR Valley of Ottawa Family and Friends Brunch

Building on the success of our Saturday brunch program and in the interests of spreading the venue around, a Family and Friends Brunch was held on Saturday, March 18th at Gabriel’s Restaurant 2158 St Joseph Blvd Orleans.
Thank you to Illustrious Brother John Guinn for organizing the event.

Degree Team visits St. Andrews Lodge

On March 2, 2017, the Valley of Ottawa Degree Team conferred a MM Degree at St. Andrews Lodge #560 GRC in Ottawa Ontario. This was the 5th and final conferral by the Degree Team for the 2016 2017 Masonic Year.

It was a wonderful evening which was preceded by a wonderful festive board. A note of interest is that the current IG of St. Andrews was Raised by the AASR Degree Team a few years ago.

Education on Zerubbabel

At the presentation of the 15° on February 27, 2017, Illustrious Brother Sam Kalinowsky 33° presented the attached paper on Zerubbabel Zerubbabel-Feb 27, 2017 (click to open).

Degree Team visits Dalhousie Lodge

On February 21, 2017, the Valley of Ottawa Degree Team conferred a MM Degree at Dalhousie Lodge #52 GRC in Ottawa Ontario.

It was a wonderful evening which was preceded by an amazing festive board which included homemade delights.

Fraternal Visit to the Valley of Kingston in Brockville

On February 16, a Perfect Number of Members from the Valley of Ottawa travelled to Brockville to view the portrayal of the 12th Degree in Brockville by the Valley of Kingston.

The 3 Illustrious Brethren from this year’s Jeff Christie Class had the privilege of being candidates for the Degree.

It was an excellent evening of Fellowship both during the Degree and after at the Festive Board. I

Education on Hiram Abiff

At the presentation of the 13th Degree on 2017 01 09, Illustrious Brother Donald Mumby 33° presented the following interesting paper on Hiram Abiff: Hiram Abiff (click to open).

 Degree Team Visits Ionic Lodge:


The Valley of Ottawa’s AASR Degree Team conferred a third at Ionic Lodge on Thursday, Nov. 24. Shown in the front are the candidate, Bro. Derek Zimmerman, R/Wor Bro Charles Singh, Worshipful Master at Ionic and Ill. Bro. Mark Pogue, who acted as W/Master for the Degree Team. To Mark’s right is Ill. Bro. Rob Clarke, current DDGM of Ottawa 2. (The photo is by W/Bro Ken Goudie of Ionic).

AASR Holds a Master Mason Night


We assembled a fine looking cast and crew for our Master Masons’ Night Nov. 22. A lot of work went into the five excerpts from the degrees we perform regularly.(Ivan Harris photo).

AASR continues to support Ottawa DeMolay


Scottish Rite Masons in the Valley of Ottawa have supported the Order of Demolay for decades. On Saturday November 12, 2016 Ill Bro Jeff Christie 33º, Executive Secretary represented the Valley of Ottawa in presenting a donation to the Ottawa Chapter of DeMolay during their Annual Appreciation Night. The Valley of Ottawa has supported DeMolay in Ottawa since sponsoring them in 1974.

New MM in Seeley’s Bay


Our AASR degree team journeyed through sleet to Seeley’s Bay Oct. 27 to confer a third degree on Bro. Phillip Beale, who came to Rideau Minden Lodge from Trillium Lodge in Guelph. Shown is Ill. Bro. Barry Burchill, who served as Master for the degree, Bro. Beale, his father-in-law, W.Bro. Russell Little from North Hatley, Quebec, and Rideau Minden’s Master, W.Bro. Thomas MacFarlane. After the degree, the team presented a donation to Rideau Minden’s project to raise money for one of their members who is suffering from a rare and fatal illness.

Hoisting One For The Scottish Rite


Members of this year’s class of candidates show support for the class honoree, Ill. Bro. Jeff Christie, our Executive Secretary. There are 11 candidates this year and we welcomed some additions from the Valley of Montreal for the 4th and 5th degrees. In addition to keeping the administrative chores tidy, Jeff also briefs the class before each of the degrees they will receive to help them understand the ritual.

AASR Valley of Ottawa Degree Team at Mississippi Lodge #147 GRC


On October 20, 2016, the Valley of Ottawa Degree Team conferred a MM Degree at Mississippi Lodge #147 GRC in Almonte Ontario.

It was a wonderful evening which was preceded by an amazing festive board which included butterscotch and raisin pie.

SRCF Donates to Ottawa Research


GRANT PRESENTED: Dr. Jing Wang of the Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa (centre) accepts a cheque for $35,000 from the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation for her work into inhibiting Alzheimer’s disease in aging adults. The Foundation will support the research for three years as part of its effort to solve “the puzzles of the mind” such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease in adults and autism and dyslexia in children. Dr. Wang is exploring whether a common diabetes medication, Metformin, can be helpful in improving memory function through reactivation of the neuroregenerative process that may be impaired in Alzheimer’s disease. Making the presentation on behalf of the Scottish Rite is Ill. Bro. Alan Arbuckle (right), Active Member for the Valley of Ottawa, and Ill. Bro. Sam Kalinowsky, a past director of the SRCF. (Ivan Harris photo)

2016 Supreme Council in St. John’s Newfoundland


OTTAWA CONTINGENT: We had good representation from our Honorary Inspectors General at Supreme Council in St. John’s this year. Shown with our newest 33rds are (standing L to R) Bob Taylor, Bob Tate, Ron Campbell, Don Mumby, Paul Todd, Giles Loshaw, Jeff Christie (seated L to R) Ivan Harris, Alan Arbuckle (Active Member), Sam Kalinowsky (Past Active) and Ron Taylor.

Several important events and decisions marked the 142nd annual session of Supreme Council, which wrapped up Saturday, Sept. 17 in St. John’s Newfoundland. Of importance to the Valley of Ottawa was the coroneting of two new Honorary Inspectors-General in Ill. Bro. Ron Taylor 33° and Ill. Bro. Ivan Harris 33°.
Among the other highlights were:
• Two more HIGs were approved for Ottawa for the Supreme Council sessions next year in Montreal
• Our Active Member, Ill. Bro. Alan Arbuckle 33°, was named chair of the Communications Committee
• An increase in the per capita assessment of 50 cents in each of the next three years to cope with rising costs, declining membership and modest returns on investment; it’s the first increase since 2009
• Establishing an ad hoc committee to consider going to a two-year cycle for full SC sessions with executive sessions in the odd numbered years
• The 33rd degree was given to the class of 35 candidates; next year the class will number 49
• A fourth Deputy was added for Ontario and Ill. Bro. Brian Gilkinson 33° was named to that position while Ill.Bro. Robert Brethour 33° replaced him as Grand Secretary; Ill. Bro. Gilkinson becomes the new deputy for the Valley of Ottawa
• Gerald Budden of Newfoundland and Morley Robinson of Nova Scotia were named John Ross Matheson Award winners
• Overall membership declined to 14,719 from 15,608 the previous year; it stood at 21,712 in 2004
• There was a debate about allowing Easter Re-lighting Ceremonies to take place on Maundy Thursday; while a constitutional amendment to that effect was defeated, the Sovereign Grand Commander said no more dispensations would be granted and the ceremony would have to take place  on or  following Easter Sunday
• The constitution was amended to make it easier to reinstate members suspended for non-payment of dues
• The new committee on Education and Enlightenment gave a presentation on their work; research papers are being placed on the website
• The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation awarded four new research grants and renewed support for eight other projects; 146 children were enrolled in Learning Centres across Canada; the investment portfolio stands at $17 million

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